
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Making the Cuts...

I spent a lot of time last nigh cutting out my new cards.  It doesn't look like much but that is over 80 cards changed, printed, and cut in just under 2 hours.  Once again, the power of the Data Sets prove the difficulties in getting them set up are well worth the pains.  Thanks Anthony!
I also created my new Ship Card Images in Photoshop last night, and this morning I created the Data Sets and printed them.  Here is a sample of the Ship Cards I created.  I also have Small, Merchant, and Red Seal Junks.  The Red Seal Ships from Japan were built to help their Merchants get the most cargo delivered quickly but have the fire power to fight off pirates.  While historically they were discontinued the 1600's, I just liked the lore of them and decided to included them as one of my ships.
Unless I made a major mistake somewhere, next play test should go very well and will be a close approximation of the final game minus little changes for balance.  I will have the rest of the cards sleeved by tonight and will be ready to spend my Thanksgiving holiday playing, testing and iterating.  
I plan to have this ready by this coming weekend for the first play test with other people besides myself hot swapping.  Ill let you know how it goes.

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